Pallas University of Applied Sciences

Pallas University of Applied Sciences (Pallas UAS) is located in Tartu – in one of the oldest towns in Europe and in the cradle of Estonian culture and the birthplace of Estonian national professional art education.

Pallas UAS is the only higher education institution of applied arts in Estonia. It provides studies in three focus areas (design, conservation/restoration and the arts), which are organised into eight curricula: Photography, Conservation and Restoration, Painting, Media and Advertisement Design, Interior Product Design, Leather Product Design and Technology, Sculpture and Textile.

The role of Pallas in Estonia’s higher education system is to train creative people equipped with strong practical skills and theoretical knowledge, who are qualified to enter the labour market or continue in Master’s studies. 

All the departments have good relations with specialists all over the world and we have an active student and staff mobility programme providing insight and more in-depth experience to our staff and students.


Core values of Pallas UAS:


COURAGE – to initiate, to experiment, to make mistakes, to trust, to do things differently.

CREATIVITY – to expand boundaries, to be unique, to notice and discover, to be inspired, to be spontaneous.

OPENNESS – to change, to transform, to cooperate, for diversity, for the world.

LIABILITY – to act as a team, to maintain consistency, to be ethical and empathetic, to ensure quality art education, to act in an environmentally conscious way.

FREEDOM – to make choices, to have self-esteem, to be different, to be an independent creator, to be critical.



Pallas University of Applied Sciences
 Tähe 38b, 50103 Tartu
Phone  +372 730 9822 


Facts about Pallas UAS



  • Photography
  • Conservation and Restoration
  • Painting
  • Media and Advertisement Design
  • Interior Product Design
  • Leather Product Design and Technology
  • Sculpture
  • Textile

Number of students: about 300 (depending on the year)

Number of international students: about 10 (depending on the year)

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