Estonian National Scholarships
The application period is in August
The scholarship supports foreign students in their studies at the Estonian higher education institutions. The scholarship can be applied for by foreign students who wish to study at a higher education institution in Estonia during the 2024/2025 academic year in formal degree studies or as an exchange student. The scholarship is administered by the Education and Youth Board of Estonia.
The scholarship supports PhD studies in all fields.
Applications will be accepted from students from countries whose citizenship is in one of the countries listed in the scholarship guide in Annex 1.
Scholarship amount:
- the rate of the doctoral scholarship is 660 euros per month;
- other costs are not covered.
Period and conditions
Exchange students are paid a scholarship during the study period in Estonia according to the dates approved by the host higher education institution. The scholarship can be applied for up to ten months. The scholarship is paid for exchange studies lasting at least 30 days.
Degree students are paid a scholarship for 12 months of the year, except for the last nominal academic year, when the scholarship is paid for 10 months. The scholarship is awarded for a maximum of 12 months at a time. The scholarship is paid to the host higher education institution, which arranges the scholarship to be repaid to the scholarship holder.
Application procedure and deadlines
Application procedures and deadlines will be published on the website.
Applications will be evaluated, and decisions on the award of scholarships will be made by the Commission in accordance with the provisions of the Scholarship Guidelines and the Commission's rules of procedure.
Applications which are not fully completed, drawn up as required or include false information or are submitted with a delay are not assessed.
Applications that have not been accompanied by a confirmation of admission to an Estonian higher education institution by the application deadline will not be processed.
Please send your application form and required documents to
Education and Youth Board, scholarship coordinator: Krista Arro,
University scholarships
Please read the scholarship information of Estonian universities from their websites: